Joe Cocker - Live In Concert 1985 at Midtfyns!


Midtfyn Festival 1985. Look beyond the entrance area and the rock stage, seen from Lombjergevej. Photo: Frede's Photo

The Midtfyn Festival will be held this year for the 30th time. Kirsten Hansen from the Local History Archive in Ringe has taken a trip to the archive and found pictures from some of the big moments from the festival's history.

Ringe: This year's Midtfyn Festival is just around the corner and will be held this year for the 30th time.

On this occasion, archive manager Kirsten Hansen, Local History Archive in Ringe, has visited the archive and found a series of evocative images from the festival's heyday, when tens of thousands of people gathered for the festival at Dyrskuepladsen and left their mark on the cityscape in Ringe.

This year's festival takes place on Friday 3 September and Saturday 4 September with names such as Magtens Korridorer, Sanne Salomonsen, Hardinger Band, Steppeulvene and Holmen Hustlers, among others.

Midtfyn Festival 1989. A good 55,000 tightly packed in front of the rock stage on Friday evening at approx. 21, d. 30. June 1989, where the top name Tracy Chapman appeared. Back then it was Peter Færgemann who was the festival organizer. Photo: Ringe Local History Archive

Midtfyn Festival

The first Midtfyn Festival started in 1976 . The initiators are Peter and Nina Færgemann, lessees of Ryslinge Kro.

The festival grew in the following years, and in 1989 the Midtfyn Festival with 63,000 guests was bigger than the Roskilde Festival and was thus Denmark's biggest festival.

In 1991 , the festival's founder, Peter Færgemann, dies. His widow, Nina Færgemann, continues the festival and sells it to the football club OB in 2001.

In 2003 , OB sells the festival on to Knud Bjerre, organizer of the Skive Beach Party.

In 2004 , the Midtfyn Festival was declared bankrupt a few weeks before it was supposed to have been wound up.

In 2019 , the Midtfyn Festival will be resurrected with local zealots as organizers. The first festival under the new management gathers 1,900 people and generates a profit of DKK 200,000.

In 2020 , the festival is canceled due to corona restrictions.

In 2021 there will be the Midtfyn Festival 3.-4. September. This year is the festival's 30th since its inception.

Midtfyn Festival 1992. The tents are erected on Goe Bakke. Photo: Ringe Local History Archive

Midtfyn Festival 1993. Festival guests placed part of their trade in Ringe's shops. Here it is at Fakta with Ringe Hotel in the background. Notice the cyclist with luggage in a bicycle trailer. Many children and young people earned a little extra pocket money by carrying luggage from Ringe Station to the tent site. Photo: Otto Milland Rasmussen

Midtfyn Festival 1993. The festival site seen from the air. Photo: Ringe Local History Archive