When Joe Cocker Joined John Belushi on 'Saturday Night Live' 1976


It was Saturday, October 2, 1976, a night forever etched into the annals of television history during the second season of the hit show, Saturday Night Live. On this unforgettable evening, the legendary Joe Cocker graced the stage as the musical guest, ready to deliver his soulful rendition of Traffic's classic, "Feelin' Alright."

But, what the television audience witnessed that night was more than just a musical performance. They got a double dose of Cocker, or so it seemed. As the spotlight beamed down, an identically dressed figure emerged, none other than the incomparable John Belushi.

Together, Joe Cocker and John Belushi embarked on a performance that left the world in awe. They traded lines and movements with an uncanny resemblance, blurring the lines between reality and impersonation. It was a testament not only to Joe Cocker's unique and trademark stage presence but also to John Belushi's unmatched impersonation abilities.

The magic of that night didn't end there. Providing the rhythmic groove that underpinned this iconic moment were New York's own jazz-funk heroes, Stuff. Their musical prowess added depth and soul to an already electrifying performance.

As the cameras rolled and the audience watched in amazement, Joe Cocker and John Belushi created a moment that would go down in history as one of the most memorable and entertaining performances on Saturday Night Live. It was a fusion of talent, humor, and sheer brilliance, a testament to the power of live television to deliver moments that transcend time.

Decades may have passed since that night, but the memory of Joe Cocker and John Belushi sharing the stage remains vivid in the hearts of all who were fortunate enough to witness it. It's a testament to the enduring legacy of both artists and a reminder that sometimes, the most iconic moments are the ones that catch us completely by surprise.